
Dear Readers and Authors,

In response to the increasing volume of submissions, we have expanded our editorial team to maintain high-quality and timely reviews. Additionally, the Global Clinical Engineering Journal (GCEJ) has achieved Scopus recognition and introduced simultaneous Chinese-language publications. However, these advancements have led to operating costs that exceed our sponsorship levels, making it necessary to adjust our Open Access (OA) model.

Effective April 1, 2025, GCEJ will transition from Diamond OA to Gold OA to ensure sustainability and continued growth. We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support as we strive to deliver exceptional and needed services to the clinical engineering community.

Please read more information here

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Exciting News Alert!

We are thrilled to announce that the GLOBAL CLINICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL has been added to the prestigious International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) database on September 5, 2024! This recognizes that “Global Clinical Engineering Journal follows ICMJE  Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.”

Don't miss out on the latest updates and breakthroughs in clinical engineering! 

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#GCEJ #Clinical Engineering #Research #Innovation #Global Journal #ICMJE #Medical Journals

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Not every day a moving robot can play the role of a Journal Editor-in-Chief! However, during the 16th  Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) that took place in Sarajevo, B&H, earlier this month, a self-rolling robot educated the audience about recent accomplishments of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal. The Journal Manager (Dr. Kallirroi Stavrianou) delivered a full presentation during the ‘Meet the Editors’ Session, and the rolling robot (Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Yadin David) interacted with the audience who enjoyed this new technological application.

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An announcement by Editor-in-Chief Yadin David 

We are thrilled to announce that our Global Clinical Engineering journal has recently been indexed in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. This is an exciting development for our journal and reflects the high-quality writing and research that our authors have been
producing. With this indexing, our journal is now easily discoverable by researchers, academics, and practitioners worldwide, who rely on Scopus to find high-quality research articles. This will help to increase the visibility of the only journal dedicated to Clinical Engineering and to provide an even broader readership for our authors.
We believe that this development will further enhance the quality and relevance of our journal and we look forward to continuing to publish reliable applied content as well as cutting-edge research in clinical engineering. We would like to thank our authors, reviewers, and editorial board members for their contributions to the success of the journal, and we look forward to working together to further build on this momentum.

Now, more than ever, you have all the reasons to publish your work in Global CE Journal!

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Members of the Editorial Board of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal were recognized for their expertise and public service before, however, none were recognized as an officer of the Order of the British Empire honours (OBE) for services to Clinical Engineering, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. For bestowing this prestigious award on Professor Daniel Clark, Head of Clinical Engineering at Nottingham University Hospitals he was invited none the less but to the ceremony in Windsor Castle. Not even the 14th-century courageous archery legend Robin Hood and his band of “merry men”, who lived in Sherwood Forest and frequently clashed with the Sheriff of Nottingham, while helping the poor received such an honor. The Order of the British Empire was established by King George V in 1917 to honor those who had served in a non-combative role and expanded the Order to reward contributions to the Arts, Sciences, Charitable work, and Public Service.

We are proud to join the global clinical engineering village and the many patients in celebrating Professor Dan Clark’s Clinical Engineering work. Thank you, Dan!

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The 4th ICEHTMC Congress was a Clinical Engineering success as judged by the record number of registrants = 2,000 , record number of selected abstracts = 200, record number of represented countries=125, and conducted as the first ever fully virtual international CE congress. The Congress also offered short courses/workshops, regional meetings, Global CE Summit, and Global CE day celebration that started in Guangzhou, China.

Throughout the events, members of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal Editorial Board were engaged and contributed to each section of the Congress’ program.

Among the presenters were: Yadin David, Adriana Velazquez Berumen, Jitendar Sharma, Thomas Judd, Daniel Clark, Li Bin, Saide Jorge Calil, Elliot Sloane, Nicolas Pallikarakis, Mladen Poluta, Zheng Kun, Tobey Clark, Matthew Baretich, Paolo Lago.

These were critical for the overall Congress’ achievement and reflects hugely on the expertise and commitment of the members of the Global CE Journal Editorial Board. They will appreciate hearing from you about your experience with the Congress. In recognition of the winners, and as we offered during the previous Congress, abstracts that won best category award are invited to submit the full manuscript to our CE Journal.






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As the Global Clinical Engineering Journal in gaining readership, it is important for us to highlight and to share variety of current healthcare engineering perspectives. As an example, with this issue we began to offer guest editors an opportunity to inform our readers about subjects that they believe are important to our field act on. Dr. Elliot Sloane, Ph.D., C.C.E., President of Healthcare Technology Foundation (HTF) editorial focus on the need for CEs to become part of improving Children Health. Please comment about it as your feedback will enrich our purpose. Please read Editor's Corner  (

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As part of our continuous efforts to promote knowledge sharing and authors, Global Clinical Engineering Journal is excited to share with our readership the introduction of a new feature Abstract audio reading. A student from Xinjiang Medical University, China, major in BME, recorded an abstract from our recent issue Vol.4, Issue 1. You may find it here: 

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We are extremely proud to announce that this year’s AAMI Foundation's Laufman-Greatbatch award has been presented to Dr. Jitendar Sharma, Editor of GlobalCE Journal, who helped advance health technology manufacturing in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Jitendar Sharma, managing Director and CEO, Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ), Executive Director of Kalam Institute of Health Technology (KIHT), adjunct faculty at University of Adelaide, Australia, and program Director for Health Technology Assessment fellowships in India.

A photo portrait of Dr. Sharma.

AAMI’s prestigious award is named after two pioneers in the field—Harold Laufman, MD, and Wilson Greatbatch, PhD. It honors an individual or group that has made a unique and significant contribution to the advancement of healthcare technology and systems, service, patient care, or patient safety.

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We are delighted to let you know that submissions are being reviewed for the first issue of the 4th volume of our Journal. With our capability to quickly post articles while working to complete an issue, you can already read about the importance of data utilization for optimal management of medical equipment life cycle. This multi-platform information management system can not be more important than during this time of medical supplies scarcity. Read more at

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We are starting a new year with hope and much appreciation for the brave and caring first responders for all they have done during the past abnormal year. The Global Clinical Engineering Journal recognized the support added by Clinical engineers to strengthening the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic with a cover page on Vol. 2, No. 3, about the Silent heroes. One of these heroes, a member of our Journal’s Editorial Board, Professor Dan Clark from the UK, was very deservedly recognized with the prestigious award of Officer of the Order of the British Empire honours (OBE) 2021 for services to Clinical Engineering, particularly during Covid-19.

We are proud to join the celebration recognizing Professor Dan Clark’s Clinical Engineering work, who stated after the announcement: “I am truly humbled by the award as I’ve seen 1000s of people in the NHS and globally really rise to the challenges that Covid threw us and who are much more deserving than me.  I’m lucky to be surrounded by an amazing team and wider network of dedicated professionals and see this their skills, commitment and courage.” We rather believe that the patients and our readers are the lucky ones. Thank you, Dan!

Professor Dan Clark, Head of Clinical Engineering at Nottingham University Hospitals


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The unprecedent changes in our world  beg the question “what should clinical engineering professionals know?” deserves examination as we prepared for the new year and new normalcy. Read more about this question and how to be prepared for the coming future in our current Editor’s Corner:

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We are delighted to share with you new contributions being provided by members of our Editorial Board to the improvements of healthcare outcomes.

Following the leadership of Adriana Velazquez Berumen (WHO), Tom Judd, Tobey Clark, and Yadin David are part of an international team that addresses immediate need for innovative health technology and its life cycle management in low resources countries. Aligning all of the life cycle phases from innovation to deployment will have positive impact on patient care in these location and the world. Join me in recognizing the important work of our editors. For more information please visit: WHO | WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings.


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We are delighted and proud to share with you a breakthrough surgical procedure for a shoulder subscapularis tendon repair using knotless and corkscrew technique. Dr. Tal David, M.D., a member of our high quality Editorial Board, assisted in its development and validation. The use of this new surgical innovation replaces the need to tie sutures and allow instead for knotless manipulation and anchoring. The video recording   (18) Subscapularis Repair Using the Knotless Corkscrew® Anchor - YouTube  clearly explains this engineering innovation.


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It is with great honor and appreciation from the Global CE Journal that we recognize the BMJ Quality and Safety Journal for their permission to re-post this editorial by our own Editor-in-Chief that just has been published at the BMJ Quality & Safety journal. We hope you’ll enjoy reading it and will let us know of any comment or suggestion for follow-up you may have.

Read it here:

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The Global CE Journal is delighted to share with you a new manuscript that describes modeling of IoT for overcoming challenges in healthcare system integration in West Africa on the 2nd Issue in Vol.3. Delivering on our commitment to promote knowledge exchange across the world, this manuscript can be used as a tool for supporting large scale decision making in Africa’s health systems. Read it here:

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The Global Clinical Engineering Journal is delighted to share with you another achievement in promoting scientific exchange among the Clinical Engineering community. Our next issue will have a new feature of narrating posted publication. With collaboration with our Chinese colleagues and specifically CMD and Xiaomin Lou of the Red Cross hospital in Hangzhou, who narrated the Editor’s Corner: please follow this link and click on the sound icon to listen:  

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The newly published issue of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal is delighted to serve as a partner in the birth of the new Global Clinical Engineering Alliance. The issue includes a special cover page, an article about international survey conducted to determine the needs for the new Global CE Alliance, and editor-in-chief column concluding that not a miracle nor a magic will create professional organization but rather the collective dedication and passion by CEs for CEs so that patient experience and care outcomes are safer and better all over the world. Happy birth GCEA!

Please read online first the Editor's Corner  and the International Survey of Clinical Engineering Professionals

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Global CE Journal is proud to announce that we have elevated our rating from Gold to Diamond Open Access journal. According to the United Academics Foundation, Diamond Open Access is "an innovative Open Access model which addresses both cost and journal quality concerns.” Diamond Open Access journals “have high quality peer review and editing processes” while eliminating articles processing fees, and thus offering both, authors and readers, free access.

This means that we will continue to depend upon our community of volunteers to serve us as editors and reviewers. We deeply appreciate and thank our volunteers.



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This handbook was written by the clinicians from the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (FAHZU) “who just returned from the frontlines of fighting the pandemic.”

The Handbook Editor-in-Chief, Professor Tingbo Liang who is also the Chairman of FAHZU states in the Foreword that “To ensure that this war can be won, we must first make sure that our medical staff is guaranteed sufficient resources, including experience and technologies.”

Download the handbook in English here:

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Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1

We evaluated the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in aerosols and on various surfaces and estimated their decay rates using a Bayesian regression model (see the Methods section in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-WA1-2020 (MN985325.1) and SARS-CoV-1 Tor2 (AY274119.3) were the strains used. Aerosols (<5 μm) containing SARS-CoV-2 (105.25 50% tissue-culture infectious dose [TCID50] per milliliter) or SARS-CoV-1 (106.75-7.00 TCID50 per milliliter) were generated with the use of a three-jet Collison nebulizer and fed into a Goldberg drum to create an aerosolized environment. The inoculum resulted in cycle-threshold values between 20 and 22, similar to those observed in samples obtained from the upper and lower respiratory tract in humans.


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Fast, portable tests come online to curb coronavirus pandemic


Coronavirus outbreak causes of the COVID19 disease created global pandemic with sequences of loss of lives, great suffer, challenging human behavior, and financial disaster. However, world scientists are focusing research on solutions that will help all of us to overcome this catastrophe. In this section of our website we will bring you reliable information about progress towards winning this fight especially when technology is involved. Your feedback, comments and update are welcomed. Stay healthy.

An up-to-the-minute article published by nature Biotechnology journal news , March 23, 2020,, describing global progress towards finding rapid diagnostic test for the virulent new pathogen we are exposed to.

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Global CE Journal editors are collaborating with China, WHO and IFMBE/CED on an international emergency support initiative to help in the fight against the Coronavirus in China.

A list of needed supplies was put together with the help of editors - Li Bin, Zheng Kun, Adriana Velasquez, Thomas Judd, and Yadin David.



Download the Document with Instructions Here.

You may see more information on the blog here:





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We are delighted to present to you the Global Clinical Engineering Day proclamation issued by IFMBE.

October 21st has been dedicated as a day to recognize and appreciate all the important services that Clinical Engineers around the world

Have been delivering each and every day of the year.

Please, take this opportunity to share your achievement with your community and post this declaration for all to see.


Happy CE Day!

Yadin David

Editor-in-Chief of GlobalCE Journal 


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We are proud to announce that Dr. Yadin David’s career was recognised during the annual ACCE meeting that took place during the AAMI 2019 meeting. The induction ceremony into ACCE Hall of Fame placed the Journal Editor-in-Chief with selected leadership group of Clinical Engineering practitioners.

‘In recognition of his leadership and vision in bringing Clinical Engineering to its status as a recognised and important profession’.




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The AAMI annual conference that took place earlier in June features the first full length Global CE track program. The program, which is a combined effort of ACCE & IFMBE CED & AAMI, featured several Journal editors including Adriana Velazquez, who was recognised as providing the most Buzzworthy Moment from AAMI Exchange 2019! Tom Judd, Tobey Clark and Yadin David led discussions during the GlobalCE track. James Keller and Matt Baretich were also present in the meeting.





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The entrance to the tallest building in Shanghai (Shanghai Tower) served as a backdrop for a meeting to discuss the promotion of Global Clinical Engineering Journal to China’s clinical engineering community.

Member of the editorial board, Li Bin, on the left in the photo and Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Yadin David, second from left with additional representatives of China clinical engineering association.

The tower is one of three adjacent super skyscrapers reaching 632 meter (2,0173 Ft.) having the second fastest elevators service running at 74 km/h or 46 mph.



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Dr. Gottlieb, M.D., served as the FDA Commissioner from May 11, 2017 through April 5, 2019. In his short term as Commissioner he limited proliferation of e-cigarettes and led response to the opioid crisis in the US.

He also led major changes in modernizing FDA policies and processes for the 510 (k) device clearance including record number of generic drugs approval and digital health tools.

The United States Commissioner of Food and Drugs is the head of the Food and Drug Administration, an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

The commissioner is appointed by the president of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate. The commissioner reports to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

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Our efforts to share immediately manuscript accepted for publication in GlobalCE Journal has paid off, as we incorporated a new plugin in our software platform that permits the publication of individual manuscripts without the need to wait for the full Journal to be published. We are therefore pleased to inform you that we have activated the “Online first” plugin. You can see your articles already online, before the publication, at the beginning of the home page of the Journal, right after the announcements or on the forthcoming issue !


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The American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) just announced their 2019 awards winners. It gives me a great pleasure to add the Global Clinical Engineering congratulations to one of our fine Editorial Board member: Matthew Baretich, PE, PhD, CCE, FACCE from Colorado, USA. He is the 2019 Lifetime Award Winner. In addition to serving on our Editorial Board, Dr. Baretich is the President of Baretich Engineering, Inc.


The ACCE Lifetime Achievement award “is the highest award given by ACCE. It is presented annually to a single individual based on lifelong accomplishments and contributions to clinical engineering (CE) profession.” (

Now you know why we are so proud of our Editorial Board members!

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Paolo Lago led group of global technical consultants with another member of our Editorial Board Nicolas Pallikarakis on Selection of health Products initiative

at the request of the Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products (EMP) of WHO at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

We are proud of the experience and expertise of our Editorial Board Members and of the recognitions they received through invitation to led and participate

in such internationally important task.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) very successful event, the 4th Global Forum of Medical Devices, took place earlier this month simultaneously with the opening of the new AMTZ campus, in Visakhapatnam, India. Strong participation by the Global CE Journal Editors contributed to the event success.  The significant impact was achieved due to the leadership of Adriana Velazquez Berumen from WHO that acted as the program chairperson for this international event. In addition, the event host Dr. Jitendar Sharma and Workshop organizers including Thomas Judd, Nicolas Pallikarakis, and Tobey Clark contributed to the high quality of this Forum. These Editors were accompanied through virtual presentations by Elliot Sloane and Yadin David. We are proud of the Journal’s Editors knowledge sharing and the global advancement of appropriate and safe use of healthcare technology.


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I am proud to share this happy news with you.

Recognition Awarded Another Member of the Global CE Journal’s Editorial Board: Thomas Judd!


The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., representing the most accomplished individuals in the fields of medical and biological engineering maintains a College of Fellows. Fellows are nominated to the College each year by their peers and represent the top 2% of the medical and biological engineering community. over 2,000 esteemed individuals have been inducted to AIMBE’s College of Fellows. AIMBE’s College consists of clinicians, industry professionals, academics and scientists, who have distinguished themselves through their contributions in research, industrial practice and/or education. Fundamental to their achievements is the common goal of embracing innovation to improve the healthcare and safety of society.

Very few clinical engineers were so far elected into the College. Our Editorial Board member Thomas Judd was just invited to join the AIMBE’s College.

Please congratulate Tom for this recognition.


Yadin David

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Global Clinical Engineering Journal Editors giving interviews to Chinese Video media channel on the occasion of posting the first issue of the Journal. The interviews were conducted in Chengdu, China during the Global CE Day event.

Please watch all the interviews here:

Dr. Yadin David

Mr. Tom Judd

Prof. Jerome Schultz

Prof. Nicolas Pallikarakis

Prof. Shankar Krishnan

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On October 21st the opening ceremony of the Global Clinical Engineering Day celebration will inaugurate a day long activity around the world. This event recognizes the significant contributions towards the promotion of better and safer patient outcomes made by clinical engineering professionals each and every hour, 365 days a year.

The Global CE Journal is delighted to be invited to join the opening ceremony where several Editorial Board members will serve as faculty. Including Y. David, Editor-in-Chief, and the Editors: professor J. Schultz, T. Judd and A. Velazquez.

The event will start this year, in Chengdu, China, the home of the beautiful Panda and of the philosopher Confucius. Following the opening ceremony, the event will rotate around the world through each continent presenting that country success story towards achieving the shared goal. The presentations will be available on-line through streaming video, power pint presentations and interviews. We invite you to learn more about the important role of Clinical engineers by visiting


Yadin David

Chairman, Global CE Day program

Editor-in-Chief, Global CE Journal

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Members of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal ( Editorial Board continue to impact health technology innovations and medical products life cycle management around the world. 

Dr. Jitendar Sharma, Advisor (Health), Government of Andhra Pradesh, and Managing Director & CEO, of AP Med Tech Zone, India, was recognized for establishing collaborative enterprise consisting of representatives from industry, government and academia at what is known as the AMTZ. This is India’s first medical device manufacturing park as well as the host for the coming 4th World Health Organization (WHO) Global Medical Device Forum (and in this link they promote the GlobalCE Call for papers! ).

Our best wishes to Dr. Sharma, member of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal Editorial Board ( for his successful leadership.

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Editorial GlobalCE board member prof. Nicolas Pallikarakis has been awarded with high IFMBE Biomedical Engineering Career Award during the tri-annual World Congress meeting in Prague, 2nd June 2018


Yadin David and Nicolas Pallikarakis in IUPESM Congress 2018.

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