Global CE Journal Editorial Board had great participation in the 4th ICEHTMC
Posted on 2021-11-10The 4th ICEHTMC Congress was a Clinical Engineering success as judged by the record number of registrants = 2,000 , record number of selected abstracts = 200, record number of represented countries=125, and conducted as the first ever fully virtual international CE congress. The Congress also offered short courses/workshops, regional meetings, Global CE Summit, and Global CE day celebration that started in Guangzhou, China.
Throughout the events, members of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal Editorial Board were engaged and contributed to each section of the Congress’ program.
Among the presenters were: Yadin David, Adriana Velazquez Berumen, Jitendar Sharma, Thomas Judd, Daniel Clark, Li Bin, Saide Jorge Calil, Elliot Sloane, Nicolas Pallikarakis, Mladen Poluta, Zheng Kun, Tobey Clark, Matthew Baretich, Paolo Lago.
These were critical for the overall Congress’ achievement and reflects hugely on the expertise and commitment of the members of the Global CE Journal Editorial Board. They will appreciate hearing from you about your experience with the Congress. In recognition of the winners, and as we offered during the previous Congress, abstracts that won best category award are invited to submit the full manuscript to our CE Journal.