About the Journal

The Diamond open access Global Clinical Engineering Journal publishes high-quality, timely, double-blind peer-reviewed manuscripts about the intersection of technology, engineering, and informatics related to health, wellness, disease management, and patient-care outcomes around the world. Wider global community participation is further facilitated through this no-fee publication. Readers can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and use them for any other lawful purposes.

The vision of the Journal is to become the preferred international forum for knowledge sharing and engagement of practitioners in the clinical engineering field, through the publication of a diverse range of high-quality contributions from professionals across the domains of clinical engineering, health-related technology, informatics, and other patient-care providers.

The purpose of the Journal is to collect, review, select, promote, and share original manuscripts, articles, technical papers, letters, scientific opinions, professional development tools, applications, and technical data relating to the clinical engineering and health technology fields. 

The goal of the Journal is to advance and disseminate knowledge, to promote professional networking among practitioners and other stakeholders in academia, industry, government, and other decision-makers. We encourage work submissions by both young and senior researchers and practitioners. Our goal encompasses the promotion of education, training, and ethical professional practice among members of this professional community.



  • Adverse events
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Artificial organs & Tissue
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Clinical engineering
  • Disaster preparedness
  • Engineering education
  • Error mitigation
  • Forensic engineering
  • Health informatics
  • Home care
  • Human factor engineering
  • Implants
  • Innovation and adoption
  • Maintenance
  • Metrology & device performance
  • Professional development & credentialing
  • Quality and outcomes
  • Regulation science
  • Risk control
  • Safety
  • Social impact and Ethics
  • Software applications
  • Systems management
  • Technology assessment
  • Technology integration
  • Technology life cycle
  • Technology management methodologies
  • Telehealth and telemedicine

The Journal Review process is further described in the flowchart below. 

* GlobalCE Journal is linked to Portico archiving, which is a digital preservation service for electronic journals.