Balancing Innovation and Safety in Digital Healthcare

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Shalini Sharma
Maninder Singh
Keerti Bhusan Pradhan


Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence, Telemedicine, Cybersecurity Risks, Patient Safety, Healthcare innovation


In an era of rapid digital transformation, patient safety is increasingly intertwined with technological advancements in healthcare. This article explores the dual nature of these innovations, where tools like telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), and electronic health records (EHRs) offer significant potential to enhance care delivery and introduce new risks such as algorithmic bias, cybersecurity threats, and challenges in minimizing patient risks. A balanced approach focusing on robust safety protocols and continuous learning is required to ensure technology enhancement without undermining patient safety. The paper aims to advance the discourse on integrating technology with patient-centric care, proposing future research and policy development strategies to sustain a high safety standard in an increasingly digital healthcare environment.


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