Internet of Things and Digital Twin Technology-Based Management System of Medical Equipment
Main Article Content
Internet of Things, Electronic Equipment, Digital Twin Technology
Background: In recent years medical technology has progressed with the rapid development of medical services and required optimization of medical equipment. However, a lack of effective management methods has led to the inefficient use of medical equipment. Therefore, an effective medical equipment management mode is urgently needed to address these problems and challenges.
Methods: The Internet of Things and digital twin technology are applied to intelligent medical equipment management as the current standard of medical equipment management.
Results: The intelligent perception terminal can realize the dynamic acquisition of real data, such as the location, process, and efficient use of medical equipment, and help carry out digital, networked, and intelligent monitoring and analysis. Meanwhile, applications such as dynamic management software, real-time positioning software, and space-environment quality monitoring software are being developed.
Conclusion: Automatic, intelligent, and visual management of medical equipment configurations, operations, and performance evaluation, combined with good management based on digital twinning, can improve collaborative management efficiency and operation resource support.
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