Overview of Trending Medical Technologies

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Jean Marie Vianney Nkurunziza
Jean Claude Udahemuka
Jean Baptiste Dusenge
Francine Umutesi


Wearable devices, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Nanomedicine, Market, Drivers, Challenges and Companies


Healthy population is regarded as the most valuable asset of any country. Unfortunately, the health challenges that hinder mankind's wellbeing are enormously increasing. Examples include but are not limited to: the diversity of emerging diseases afflicting the global population, the projected demographic growth of elderly people who need consistent monitoring, the deficiency in medical staff, the lower density of physicians, and the challenging geographical location of the population from healthcare providers. The mitigation of such health challenges calls for novel technologies to improve patient outcomes. In this article, seven emerging technologies, namely: Wearable Devices and Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology or Distributed Ledger Technology, Robotics Technology, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Big Data Technology and Nanomedicine have been highlighted. For each discussed technology, its historical background, development drivers, market status and trends, significance to healthcare, key player companies, and associated challenges have been presented. The information contained in this paper was collected from different journal articles, websites, reports, conference proceedings, and books. It was observed that though the technologies discussed in this article show growth at different rates, healthcare technology development and implementation are very promising in revolutionizing the health sector and improving the health of the population. Therefore, healthcare providers and countries are recommended to put in place Healthcare Technology Assessment Programs to help them collect data regarding the technology efficacy, relevance, safety, outcomes, and alternative technologies towards better planning for healthcare services improvement.


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