A Decision Support System for Rational Deployment of Medical Equipment Based on Real-world Data

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Dingding Jia
Haowei Zhang
Yang You
Yiming Li
Shunxin Qian
Qilin Tao
Qi Su
Heqing Lu


rational deployment of medical equipment, big data, decision support, ASP.NET


Objectives: To inform judgments about the efficient and rational deployment of medical equipment in hospitals and give decision support.
Methods: The information system for rational deployment of medical equipment (MERDIS) is based on ASP.NET MVC framework and designed with SQL Server database and C# language. The analysis methods are based on clinical pathway demand and multiple regression data statistics. It uses big data collected from hospitals, including current equipment deployment, clinical pathways, and other basic information, to calculate and provide each hospital with a recommended equipment deployment.
Results: By analyzing the data of 52 hospitals through the MERDIS system, it is convenient, accurate, and intuitive to get the rational deployment plan, and suggestions of different types of hospitals affected by different factors can be given conveniently, accurately, and intuitively.
Conclusions: The MERDIS system’s design provides the basis for the subsequent development of medical equipment macro data management. In the process of continuous improvement and supplementing of data, the software model will become more and more accurate and reliable.


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