Guest Editor: Dr. Jashanpreet Singh

Email: [email protected]

Personal homepage

Affiliation: University Center for Research and Development, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India

Research interest: Biomedical engineering, Machine learning, Biomaterials


Co-Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Chander Prakash

Email: [email protected]

Personal homepage

Affiliation: University Center for Research and Development, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India

Research Interest: Biomaterials, Rapid prototyping & 3-D printing, Advanced manufacturing, modeling, simulation, and optimization


Submission Deadline : 31 December 2025


Note: When submitting your manuscript to a special issue, please identify the special issue's name on top of the title.



Dear Colleagues,

The term "Design and Manufacturing in Biomedical Engineering" encompasses the development of medical devices for diagnostics and treatment, engineered tissues and organs, microphysiological systems, cell- and protein-based therapeutics, and biomaterials, as well as the integration of advanced manufacturing technology and devices into the healthcare sector. This interdisciplinary research and development area is situated at the intersection of the healthcare sector and design and manufacturing engineering, necessitating the integration of expertise from both sectors. The objective of this Special Issue of Bioengineering is to compile manuscripts that demonstrate novel concepts, designs, processes, technologies, and discoveries that contribute to the advancement of biomedical design and manufacturing. The following are among the topics of interest, but they are not exhaustive:

  • Soft constructs, metallic and ceramic implants, polymeric and composite materials, pharmaceutics and biomedicine, and other biomedical applications are all subject to biomedical manufacturing processes which include both additive and subtractive methods.
  • Biological tissue excision, removal, ablation, and/or joining procedures.
  • Design, manufacturing, and/or modelling of advanced medical devices, instruments, surgical robotics, and medical simulators.
  • Micro- and multi-scale manufacturing for biomedical applications.
  • Development, characterisation, and modelling of biomedical and biological materials, as well as associated manufacturing processes.
  • Utilisation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the production of medical devices and biomedical devices.
  • Assessment of the present status of biomedical manufacturing research requirements and knowledge and technology.


Dr. Jashanpreet Singh

Prof. Dr. Chander Prakash

Guest Editors


Keywords: Biomedical Engineering, Design, Manufacturing, Machine learning