Page 6 - Vol0_No02_2018
P. 6

David and Jahnke: Planning Medical Technology Management in a Hospital

        multidisciplinary team has a similar approach toward       •  the lack of integration of technology forecasting into
        the creation of definition of needs, scope and objectives    the strategic planning of the hospital
        for a specific type of technology, such as the equipment.  •  limited opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange
                                                                     between engineering-related and clinically-related
           The question is no longer whether a medical technology
        management plan is worth the effort, but rather can we
        afford not to implement it, and do we have the adequate    To address these issues a technology assessment plan
        tools to execute it? If we do then the hospital will be able   was initiated with the following six objectives: (1)  Accu-
        to make informed decisions regarding deployment of new   mulate pertinent information regarding decisions about
        technology as well as monitor its utilization.          medical equipment. (2) Develop a multi-year plan for
           The need for clinical engineering involvement in such a   technology replacement and associated costs. (3) Com-
        team became evident when the following problems were    municate replacement selection criteria that is supported
        repeatedly encountered:                                 by users. (4) Create an ongoing assessment methodology
                                                                with outcomes measurements. (5) Improve the capital
           •  recently purchased equipment not sufficiently used
                                                                budget process by integrating the status of current tech-
           •  ongoing user problems with equipment
                                                                nology with long-term needs relative to surgical-medical
           •  excessive downtime and ownership cost             services goals. (6) Integrate the competency of clinical
           •  lack of compliance with accreditation agencies and   engineering into patient safety goals.
             regulations                                           Because the program provides for both the management
           •  high percentage of equipment failing and awaiting   of the existing inventory of medical equipment aiming at
             repair                                             the lowest reasonable life-cycle cost, and for the recom-
                                                                mendations relating to procurement, it is mandatory to
           •  maintenance costs emerging as a large single expense
                                                                integrate trended operational and utilization information
           •  medical equipment upgrading, replacement, and     with the projected budget strategy into the technology
             planning are not intertwined
                                                                management plan.
           •  use errors and near-miss events
                                                                   At the Texas Children’s Hospital, the Biomedical En-
           A further analysis of these symptoms using a system   gineering Department has been accumulating pertinent
        performance analysis technique would likely reveal. :   information and has developed indicators for measuring
           •  a lack of a central clearing house to collect, index and   medical equipment performance.  A Medical Technology
             monitor medical technology performance for resolv-  Evaluation Committee (MTEC), which is chaired by the
             ing current issues and for future planning purposes  Director of Biomedical Engineering, began developing
                                                                analytical selection criteria and life-cycle costs information.
           •  the absence of strategy for identifying emerging
                                                                The membership of the committee includes representa-
             technologies for potential integration
                                                                tives of the medical and nursing staff, high-tech users,
           •  the lack of a systematic plan for conducting technol-
                                                                administration, equipment planning, risk management,
             ogy assessment, thereby not being able to maximize
                                                                safety, and materials management departments. Another
             the benefits from prioritization of the deployment
                                                                clinical engineer from the same department with nursing
             of available technology
                                                                training experience serves as the committee’s designated
           •  an inability to benefit from the organization’s experi-
                                                                coordinator for all evaluation tasks. Once the commit-
             ence with a particular type of technology or supplier
                                                                tee accepts a request for review (RR), it identifies other
           •  the random replacement of medical technologies,   users who may have an interest in it and authorizes the
             rather than a systematic protocol based on a set of   coordinator to assemble a task force of users specified
             well-developed criteria                            by the committee. This task force then serves as an ad
                                                                hoc committee responsible for the evaluation of the

        J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 23-32; 2018                                                28
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