Page 2 - Vol0_No02_2018
P. 2

David and Jahnke: Planning Medical Technology Management in a Hospital

        touch.” All medical specialties depend to varying extent   financial evaluations, which rely upon net present value
        on technology for achieving their goals. Some specialties   (NPV) and internal rate of return would consume an
        more than others, use medical technology, be it in the   enormous amount of a manager’s or director’s time and
        fields of preventive medicine, diagnosis, therapeutic care,   may in fact be questionable when put in their proper
        rehabilitation, administration or health-related education   context.  NPV is an important evaluation tool that needs
        and training. Medical technology enables practitioners to   to be integrated with a clinical engineering assessment
        collaboratively and timely intervene together with other   when evaluating new rather than existing demand-based
        caregivers with patients in a cost-effective and efficient   service lines of business or large program comparisons of
        manner. Technology also enables integration and con-    alternatives based on cost efficiencies. Examples include,
        tinuum care in a way that improves the level of overall   the proposed addition of a diagnostic imaging center or the
        health indicators. Hospital and clinical administrators   comparison of major system software packages. Examples
        are faced with the expectation for return-on-investment   of equipment not needing NPV analysis, existing assets
        that meets accounting guidelines and financial pressures.  include: defibrillators, infusion pumps, and anesthesia
           Society’s expectations for quality care and for the   machines. In this case, a typical health care organization
        containment of the cost of care, as expressed in rela-  may have an inventory encompassing thousands of indi-
        tionship to the Gross National Product brought the need   vidual pieces of equipment. However, in their attempt to
        for even better integration and control into the public   improve allocation of resources to medical equipment,
        debate arena. The U.S. government, in 1983, attempted   the majority of health care executives have been making
        to contain runaway health care costs through Federal    significant capital expenditure decisions with growing
        regulation. These regulations established a new method   involvement of clinical engineering expertise and cost-
        of reimbursement, called the prospective payment system,   of-ownership information. 3
        which encouraged hospitals to manage their resources       The concept of management of capital assets is a
        more effectively. Reimbursement methodology continues   far-reaching one that goes beyond merely acquiring or
        to influence innovation, development, and adoption of   maintaining medical equipment and generally includes
        medical technologies.                                   market-based demand forecasting as a method of estimating
           As a result, routine methods for delivering care are   future demand for a health care organization’s services.
        being replaced with alternatives, such as the growth of   Changing payment methodology and existing inventory
        outpatient clinics, ambulatory surgery and telemedicine.   operations and maintenance costs are important factors
        Conventional as well as alternative, sites of health care   in planning the deployment of new equipment; these are
        services are expected to meet a specific set of goals and   management issues that merge together in the clinical
        objectives. These goals and objectives include adminis-  environment.  This paper describes the emerging process
        trative, clinical, financial, and regulatory parameters that   for managing medical technology in the hospital and the
        influence how the integration of medical technological   role that clinical engineers are fulfilling.
        tools are planned for, funded, and executed. It also guides
        how these tools are selected, installed, trained for, inte-     THe TeCHnology MAnAgeMenT
        grated, safely operated, serviced, upgraded, and retired         PRogRAM – ACHIevIng goAlS
        or replaced. These are essentially the phases of all tech-  The health care delivery system is going through a
        nology, including medical technology. The application of   transition that is led by three major driving forces: cost,
        knowledge about the optimal management of various       technology, and social expectations. The impact of these
        life cycle phases of capital assets will maximize system   forces may change from time to time, as does their relative
        utilization during each one of the phases. Capital assets   significance. In addition, the human factor that interacts
        management, one life cycle phase, the process of select-  with these forces is not constant either, thus submitting
        ing and acquiring medical technology, has not been well   an important subject for public debate. Nevertheless, the
        coordinated in most hospitals until recently.  In addition,

        J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 23-32; 2018                                                24
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