Page 5 - Vol0_No02_2018
P. 5

David and Jahnke: Planning Medical Technology Management in a Hospital

        and comprehensive planning process for the adoption of
        medical technology in hospitals is obvious. A mixture of                        Strategic
        literature review and experience demonstrates that the
        rationale for technology adoption is derived from the
        following reasons:
        Clinical Necessity                                              Assets
                                                                     Management                        Equipment
           •  meet or exceed medical standards of care                                                  Planning
           •  impact care quality or level
           •  effect on life quality
           •  improve accuracy, specificity, reliability, timing and/    Equipment
             or safety of interventions
                                                                        and Integration        Technology
           •  change in service volume or focus
           •  response to community needs
           •  reduce errors or improve predictability of outcomes
                                                                Figure 1. The technology management process at the Texas
        Management Support                                      Children's Hospital.
           •  better or more effective decision-making protocol
             for interventions                                     Many hospitals are reformulating their technology
           •  improve operational and maintenance efficiency    management process, which starts with the strategic
             and effectiveness                                  planning process, thus demonstrating clearer support
                                                                for the prescribed management of medical technology. It
           •  facilitate development of or current offering of service
                                                                is a process in which the understanding of the key issues
           •  reduce liability exposure
                                                                and the critical success factors are followed by a more
           •  increase compliance with standards or regulations  defined task of resource allocation, and assignment of the

           •  decrease dependence on staffing and/or the skill   responsibility for sustained improvement in technology’s
             level of personnel, improve staff retention        performance through attainment or progression toward
                                                                measurable technology utilization rate goals. This is a
           •  effect on supporting departments
                                                                planned process that may be unique for each organization
           •  improve return on investment or cash flow
                                                                and is essentially a prescription for the way to look ahead.
           •  enhances integration and knowledge sharing        Although it may be different for every organization, all are
           •  improve patient throughput                        faced with the following five similar questions: What are
                                                                we? What do we want to be? Where are we going? What
        Market Preference
                                                                will be our role? And, how will we do it?
           •  improve access to quality care
           •  increase customers’ convenience and/or satisfaction      PlAnnIng And MonIToRIng THe
                                                                    dePloyMenT of MedICAl TeCHnology
           •  enhance organization or service image
           •  improve financial or value impact                    As we developed our medical technology management
                                                                program model (Figure 1), adoption of the strategically
           •  reduce cost of adoption and ownership
                                                                prescribed norms took place, as well as the monitoring
           •  effect on market share                            in accordance with a well-thought-out plan, equipped
           •  improves community conditions                     with know-how from a multidisciplinary team of users,
           •   facilitate continuum of care                     and the implementation of an agreed-upon policy. The

        27                                                         J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 23-32; 2018
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