Page 3 - Vol0_No02_2018
P. 3

David and Jahnke: Planning Medical Technology Management in a Hospital

        system is being subjected to mounting pressures from the   This illustrates that hospitals are experiencing a continual
        needs to first identify its goals, secondly select and define   increase in the number of medical devices used on a per
        priorities, and finally allocate the limited resources.  bed basis. It is therefore imperative that in an industry
           Hospitals’ rising investment demonstrates their belief   where the only constant is change, there is a program that:
                                                                   a. provides for a guiding strategy for allocation of limited
        in the importance of and the benefit from the deployment
        of technology. Health care organizations have been using
        a variety of evaluation methodologies to provide alterna-  b. maximizes the value provided by resources invested in
        tives in the delivery of care. They are driven by medical    medical technology
        innovation, prospective reimbursement, and societal        c. identifies and evaluates technological opportunities or
        expectations. In this environment, evaluation method-        threats
        ologies only work if an organization is truly prepared to   d.  optimizes priorities in systems integration, facility
        cancel a project after the initial investment. The flaw in   preparation and staff planning
        the theory is not its complexity, as some have said, but   e. meets or exceeds standards of care
        in the fact that it ignores the psychological and political
                                                                   f. reduces operating costs
        realities of capital investments.  It becomes imperative
                                                                   g. reduces risk exposurecreates
        for providers to make good resource allocations decisions
        at the outset of their capital budgeting process and often   h. better care environment.
        those decisions are biased towards equipment that has a
                                                                   Whereas both knowledge and practice patterns of man-
        positive impact on reimbursement. Health care providers
                                                                agement in general are well organized in today’s literature,
        spent $8.25 billion on capital equipment in 1988, com-
                                                                the management of the health care delivery system and
        pared with $8.21 billion in 1987.  A survey of hospitals’
                                                                that of medical technology in the clinical environment is
        spending plans for capital budgets, one that includes
                                                                more fragmented and has not yet reached that level of
        equipment and construction, indicates that spending rose
                                                                integration. However, we are beginning to understand
        during 1992 by 15%, reaching $23.6 billion.
                                                                the relationship between the methods and information
           However, the increasing scarcity of available resources   that guide the decisions regarding the management of the
        within the hospital community on the one hand and the   medical technology that is being deployed in the highly
        demand for quality health care on the other, promoted   complex environment of the health care delivery system,
        a public debate and awareness of such a paradoxical     including the variances among users, applications and
        economic perspective. New tools for cost and outcomes   cultures from one hospital to another.
        management include disease management and patient
                                                                   The health care delivery system presents a very complex
        safety initiatives.  It is in such an environment that
                                                                environment where strategy, facilities, equipment, drugs,
        hospitals have begun to manage their fixed assets (i.e.
                                                                information and the full range of human interventions are
        capital investments) and equipment-related operation
                                                                interacting. It is in this clinical environment that patients
        expenditures better than ever before. As the deployment
                                                                in various conditions, staff, temporary skilled labor and
        of medical equipment continuously evolves, its impact on
                                                                the wide variety of technology converge. The technology
        the hospital operations and on the consumption rate of its
                                                                that has been developed for and is deployed in the health
        financial resources increases. The ability to forecast and
                                                                care delivery system ranges from the “smart” facilities
        manage this continual evolution and its subsequent impli-
                                                                within which care is being provided to the products that
        cations has become a major component in all health care
                                                                are used around the provision of healthcare services, and
        decisions. In a survey of three large hospitals in Houston,
                                                                to its regulation and management. “Technology means
        Texas, with a combined licensed capacity of about 1400
                                                                merely the use of tools, that is, the involvement of any
        beds, the average number of medical devices being used                                                11
                                                                agent which assists in the performance of a task.”  Such
        per licensed bed has increased between 1982 and 2002
                                                                tools have been introduced at an increasing rate during
        from four devices per bed to over 17 devices per bed.
                                                                the past 100 years and include the use of techniques,
        25                                                         J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 23-32; 2018
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