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James O. Wear: Certification in the United States, Canada and Asia

        current working in the field. The certification of the CETs   The RCEC exam consists of a theoretical exam and
        is most equivalent to the CBET in the ICC system in the US.  practical test. There is a Chinese exam question bank from
           In addition to the CET certification by the government,   which the theoretical questions are randomly selected.
        the Japan Society for Medical and Biological Engineering   Candidates then take a practical test including repair,
                                                           14   measurement and maintenance of medical devices. A
        (JSMBE) has a Biomedical Engineering Certificate program.
        The JSMBE has two classes of certification for biomedical   committee of Chinese clinical engineering experts evalu-
                        st                                      ates the ability of the candidates and determines if they
        engineers. The 1  class certification is for experienced
        clinical engineers and in 2008 the pass rate was 22.2% for   are qualified to receive the RCEC. In 2012, there were
                            st                                  176 people who took the exam and 56 passed to become
        433 applicants. The 1  class exam covers basic aspects on
        medical engineering and medical device related subjects.   certified as RCEC.
        The 2  class exam is for students or recent graduates of   In the future, the candidates for International Clinical
        clinical engineering and many take it as preparation for   Engineering Certification will be mostly senior clinical
        the national CET exam. In 2008 the pass rate on the 2    engineers with more than 10 years experience.
        class exam was 29.3% for 1398 applicants.                  They are establishing a continuing education for both
                                                                certification to maintain and improve the quality of the
                     CeRtifiCAtion in ChinA                     clinical engineers. The Medical Engineering Division plans
           In 2005, the international clinical engineer certifica-  to recommend to the government to officially authorize
        tion was introduced in China.  The Medical Engineering   clinical engineer training and certification.
        Division of the Chinese Medical Association hosted the
        first international clinical engineering certification train-  RefeRenCeS
        ing courses and certification examination. From 2005 to   1.  Wear JO. Global perspectives on competency certification of
        2016, eight sessions of lectures by international senior   medical electronic graduates in the fast-changing healthcare
        specialists and exams were done. A written exam based      engineering field. International Keynote, Symposium on
        on the ACCE BOK with some adjustment for the practice      Innovation and Commercialization for Medical Electronic
                                                                   Technology, Bandor Enstek, Nilai, Malaysia; 2012.
        of clinical engineering in China. The written exam is in
                                                                2.  Croswell DW. The evolution of biomedical equipment tech-
        English and is prepared by international senior specialists.
                                                                   nology. J Clin Engineer 1995;20(3):230–4
        Individuals that pass this 100-question multiple choice
                                                                3.  Wear JO. Certification of biomedical engineering technicians
        exam have to pass an oral exam in English to become cer-
                                                                   and clinical engineers: Important or not. 7  Asian-Pacific
        tified. The oral exam is given by the international senior
                                                                   Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering IFMBE
        specialists. In the eight training sessions, there have been
                                                                   Proceedings, 19, 558-61; 2008.
        700 clinical engineering personnel from hospitals and
                                                                4.  Nicoud T and Kermit E. Clinical engineering certification
        universities. There have been 219 individuals that have
                                                                   in the United States. In: JF Dyro (Ed.), Clinical Engineering
        passed the two exams and been certified as international   Handbook. Burlington, MA: Elsevier; 2004.
        clinical engineers.
                                                                5.  Wear JO and Van Noy FE. Veterans Administration BMET
           In the past 7 years, China has been working to estab-   certification exam. J Clin Engineer 1979;4 (4)311–3.
        lish its own certification program. In 2012, the Medical   6.  ETA International. ETA senior and master certifications
        Engineering Division of the Chinese Medical Association    [Internet]. 2013. Available at:
        carried out Chinese Registered Clinical Engineer Certifi-  ior_master.html.
        cation (RCEC) training and examination. The candidates   7.  ETA International. ETA journeyman certifications [Internet].
        were junior engineers in large hospitals or new gradu-     2013. Available at:
        ates with majors in medical engineering. This exam is the   8.  Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
                                                                   AAMI Credentials Institute (ACI) Certification Handbook.
        basic admission exam to the occupational qualification
                                                                   Arlington, VA: Author; 2018.
        of clinical engineering.

        21                                                         J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 15-22; 2018
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