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James O. Wear: Certification in the United States, Canada and Asia

        Path 5: Work experience with or without a degree not    was established in 1975 and within a year about 200
        related to biomedical technology, related health care   individuals were certified in clinical engineering (CCE).
        discipline, information technology, or business manage-  After this first group of CCEs, the Board of Examiner de-
        ment. Seven years of work experience in the HTM field   veloped a written exam and an oral exam to test future
        with three years of management experience in the last   individuals for certification.
        five years
                                                                   At this same time, another group of prominent individu-
                                                                als in the field decided that certification on credentials was
           In any of the paths, if the individual does not have
                                                                the wrong approach to certifying people. They decided
        the title of supervisor or manager, he/she would have to
                                                                that people should take an exam to become certified in
        confirm that he/she performs management duties either
                                                                clinical engineering. As a result, five people self-certified
        through self or third-party attestation.
                                                                themselves and developed an exam for certification in
           Recertification requirements for this certification are a
                                                                clinical engineering. This group became the American
        combination of work experience and continuing education
                                                                Board of Clinical Engineering (ABCE) and also started
        to demonstrate sustained competency and knowledge in
                                                                their certification program in 1975. Most of the initial indi-
        the healthcare technology management field.
                                                                viduals in this program were academic clinical engineers.
           CeRtified in CliniCAl engineeRing (CCe)                 AAMI and the ABCE continued to certify individuals in
                                                                clinical engineering until 1984. In 1983 the two groups
           Dr. Caesar Caceres, MD coined the term “Clinical Engi-
                                                                began discussions on a possible merger of their programs.
        neer” in 1967 for engineers working with physicians in the
                                                                The merger was finalized in 1984 with all the ABCE CCEs
        clinical setting. At that time, various types of engineers,
                                                                being accepted into the AAMI certification program. As
        physical scientists, and physiologists were performing
                                                                part of the merger the International Certification Commis-
        engineering type work in the clinical setting in hospitals.
                                                                sion for Clinical Engineering and Biomedical Technology
        As more medical instrumentation came into the hospi-
                                                                (ICC) was established. Fifty individuals had been certified
        tal, more of this type of personnel came into the field as
                                                                by the ABCE.
        well. Also, as BMETs were hired to maintain the medical
                                                                   In 1979, AAMI started requiring CCEs to renew their
        instrumentation, engineers and physical scientists were
                                                                certification every three years by demonstrating continuing
        hired to manage clinical/biomedical engineering depart-
                                                                education. In 1992, the renewal policy was that anyone
        ments in hospitals.
                                                                certified after 1992 and not renewed would have their
           AAMI thought that engineers should be certified in
                                                                certification revoked. Anyone certified before 1992 that
        clinical engineering since there were no academic pro-
                                                                did not renew would become delisted. As of 2002, there
        grams that trained clinical engineers. Some of the major
                                                                were about 100 listed CCEs on the AAMI website. In 1999
        people working in the field of clinical engineering were
                                                                AAMI discontinued accepting applications for certification
        not engineers but held degrees in some other scientific
                                                                because there were not enough applicants to support the
        field. It was decided that a program should be developed
                                                                program financially. However, they did continue to ac-
        to certify people in the clinical engineering field and not
                                                                cept renewals. At the time AAMI discontinued accepting
        as clinical engineers. An initial Board of Examiners was
                                                                applications for certification, 474 had become a CCE by
        established with prominent people in the clinical engi-
                                                                credentials or exam including 50 certified by the Canadian
        neering field. It was decided that for one year, individuals
                                                                Board of Examiners for Clinical Engineering. This also
        working in clinical engineering could be certified based
                                                                included several individuals in other countries certified
        on credentials. They had to have at least a BS degree in
                                                                by the US Board of Examiners. However only about 200
        engineering or a physical science and at least three years
                                                                had kept their renewal up-to-date.
        experience working in the field of clinical engineering. These
                                                                   In 2002, the Healthcare Technology Certification
        credentials were evaluated by the Board of Examiners.
                                                                Commission (HTCC) was created under the Healthcare
        The AAMI certification program for clinical engineering
        17                                                         J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 15-22; 2018
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