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James O. Wear: Certification in the United States, Canada and Asia

        Technology Foundation (HTF) to reestablish a CCE pro-   are developed by the Board of Examiners and are based
        gram. A US Board of Examiners was created to develop a   on the BOK developed by the ACCE. The oral exam is
        written and oral exam. The written exam was based on    about 2 hours and given by two members of the Board of
        the American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE) Body   Examiners and is based on practical knowledge needed
        of Knowledge (BOK) determined by an ACCE survey of      to function on the job.
        practicing clinical engineers. This survey asked the clinical
        engineers about the work that they were doing and the                CAnAdA CeRtifiCAtion
        knowledge requirements. The new certification program
                                                                   Canada uses the ICC for certifying BMETs and they
        accepted anyone from a previous certification program
                                                                add the requirement that an individual must have a BS
        who demonstrated that they were current in the field by                                         9
                                                                in biomedical technology to take the exam.  The exam is
        continuing education for a one-year period. There were
                                                                developed by the Canadian Board of Examiners under
        112 individuals that were accepted in the new program
                                                                the ICC
        from the previous program. The first exam was given in
                                                                   Under the laws of the Canadian provinces and terri-
        2004 with three individuals taking the exam.
                                                                tories, the use of the title “engineer” in a job description
           In 2013 the HTCC begin looking for a new sponsoring
                                                                requires that the incumbent be licensed as a professional
        body since new US tax policies were such that a non-profit
                                                                engineer in that jurisdiction. Canada has always taken the
        foundation such as HTF could not have an income producing
                                                                position that to be eligible to seek certification in clinical
        unit like the HTCC. They looked at various organizations
                                                                engineering; an applicant must first obtain licensure as
        as sponsors as well as considering becoming a stand-alone
                                                                a professional engineer. Once a person is licensed as a
        organization without a sponsor. Finally, AAMI and ACCE
                                                                professional engineer and is working in the field of clini-
        indicated an interest in becoming a sponsor and each
                                                                cal engineering, then he or she can apply to the Canadian
        presented their proposal. The ACCE was accepted as a
                                                                Board of Examiners for Clinical Engineering Certification.
        sponsor since they guaranteed the exam process could
                                                                   By 1980, it was recognized that engineers working
        continue to have the oral exam. AAMI was not sure they
                                                                in the clinical engineering role required a distinct but
        could continue to sponsor with the oral exam since they
                                                                unrecognized BOK to perform their tasks competently.
        were trying to obtain ANSI recognition of their exam
                                                                Since there was no licensing process in place specifically
        program. Thus, ACCE became the administrative sponsor
                                                                for clinical engineering, leaders in Canada decided to
        for HTCC in 2014. At that time there were a little over
                                                                establish a certification process that would be adminis-
        200 individuals certified by the HTCC from the US and
                                                                tered by competent members of the profession. In order
        the Canadian Board of Examiners.
                                                                to begin such an effort, discussions were held with col-
           Individuals must meet the following qualifications to
                                                                leagues in the United States who had undertaken a similar
        take the CCE exam:
                                                                approach under the leadership of the (AAMI). Canadians
           •  Three years of clinical engineering experience    with established track records working in the profession
                                                                were grandfathered as certified and established the first
           •  Profession Engineer License or                    Canadian Board of Examiners for Clinical Engineering
                                                                Certification. They developed a written exam and an
           •  MS Eng or
                                                                oral exam.
           •  BS Eng plus 4 years total engineering experience or
                                                                   This process of certification continued for several
           •  BSET in engineering technology plus 8 years total
                                                                years. However, the initial rush of applicants dwindled,
             engineering experience.
                                                                and it remained a voluntary activity with limited visibility
           They also must provide three professional references.   amongst the health care community. By the late 1990s,
        The written exam is 150 multiple choice questions admin-  the work of the Board had effectively ceased with very
        istered by a professional testing company. The questions   few applicants coming forward.

        J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 15-22; 2018                                                18
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