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Received March 8, 2018, accepted March 8, 2018, date of publication March 25, 2018.

        Certification in the United States, Canada and Asia

        By James O. Wear

                     CeRtified BioMediCAl                       AAMI and the exam was similar since the director of the
                    eqUipMent teChniCiAnS                       VA Training Center was on the AAMI Board of Examin-
           The first certification in the US in the clinical engi-  ers. The VA used the Human Resources Department at
        neering field was for biomedical equipment technicians   each hospital as a testing site since they were approved
        (BMETs). 1–4  As biomedical equipment maintenance was   for giving other exams. The VA exam was developed by
        developing in US hospitals in the late 1960s, there were   the VA Training Center faculty. In the VA, the technicians
        no training programs for BMETs. A few 2-year techni-    are called biomedical engineering technicians which is
        cal schools initiated training programs based on their   still BMET.
        electronics curriculum, but there was no standardized      AAMI found a need to develop specialist exams for
        curriculum. Even the electronic programs in these schools   BMETs who worked on laboratory and radiological equip-
        were not accredited nor had a standard electronic cur-  ment. These BMETs might not be able to pass the general
        riculum. There were also BMETs that had been trained    exam since they only worked on special equipment, but
        in the military.                                        they need certification to demonstrate a minimum level
           The Association for the Advancement of Medical       of expertise in their specialty. AAMI developed specialty
        Instrumentation (AAMI) had a task force to look at the   exams in these two areas and individuals that passed
        BMET field and the maintenance of medical equipment in   these exams became Certified Radiological Equipment
        hospitals. The task force decided that something needed   Specialists (CRESs) and Clinical Laboratory Equipment
        to be done to allow BMETs to demonstrate that they had a   Specialists (CLESs). These three certification programs
        minimum level of expertise. Certification of BMETs became   still exist today.
        the tool to demonstrate this minimum level of expertise.   The VA also found the need to establish the radiologi-
        A Board of Examiners was established by AAMI and the    cal specialty certification program and CRES. In 1984-5,
        first exam was given in 1970. Individuals who passed the   the VA merged its certification program with the AAMI
        written exam became Certified Biomedical Equipment      program. All VA certifications were accepted by the AAMI
        Technicians (CBETs).                                    program and the VA allowed its Human Resources Offices
           Certification was not readily accepted by BMETs or   to be used to give AAMI certification exams.
        by the institutions hiring them. There also was an issue   Individuals must meet the following qualifications to
        of testing sites and dates to allow BMETs to readily be   take the AAMI BMET certification exam:
        tested without considerable travel expenses.               •  Associate’s degree in biomedical equipment technol-
           The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) wanted to         ogy program and two years’ full-time
        have its BMETs certified, but funds were not available
                                                                   •  BMET work experience; OR
        to provide travel for them to go to the AAMI meeting for
                                                                   •  Completion of a U.S. military biomedical equipment
        testing. In 1973, the VA developed its own BMET certi-
                                                                     technology program and two years’ full-time BMET
        fication program from its Engineering Training Center.
                                                                     work experience; OR
        The requirements to take the exam were the same as the

        15                                                         J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 15-22; 2018
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