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T Judd et al.: Clinical Engineering/Health Technology Management 2015 Global Update
The CMBES-GBES partnership has resulted in the • Clinical workflows: CE/HTM leaders provide improved
successful application for a research grant to examine design
medical equipment donation practices in Canada, and • Leading edge initiatives: CE/HTM leading telehealth,
the experiences of recipients of such donations in Ghana. smartphone/mHealth, in their countries and regions
Members of the 2 societies are in frequent communication. to improve quality, safety, access and affordability.
Such ongoing partnerships are considered an important
• Maternal and Child Health (MCH), e.g., Neonatal and
factor in the strengthening of HTM programs.
Newborn Care, using WHO-vetted Evidence-Based
Interventions & Practice Guidelines
AlBANIA • Influence: Stronger leaders, with wider impact on deci-
Improved Access and HTM: Before September 2014, sion makers
MOH Albania had no maintenance strategy for its hos-
pitals’ highest technology diagnostic equipment – linear CONClUSIONS
accelerators, magnetic resonance imaging, computed
This study showed steady improvements globally in
tomography scanners and angiography – resulting in
most indicators for Health Technology. Health Technologies
higher costs, significant downtime, and poor vendor rela-
will play an increasing role in global health care delivery
tionships. They then implemented a new approach based
with the emerging spread of CE-IT (EHR-enabled care)
on global best practices: full risk, 2-year service contracts
to improve quality and continue to make care affordable.
via negotiation; vendor meetings to present our new ap-
proach and for authorized distributor confirmation; then
open tender procedures for international participation,
to avoid speculation of monopoly. The authors wish to acknowledge the invaluable contri-
bution made by dozens of volunteers from less-developed
MExICO countries who provided information and suggestions in
various means. They also want to apologize to countries
Role Model: Established MOH Unit in 2004, CENETEC; from which no information was obtained, mostly due to
has become a global CE-HTM role model with country- their limited knowledge of those countries and their key
wide HTP, HTM, HTA, HTR, HR, and Practice Guideline stakeholders.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
First MOH Unit – established at São Paolo state level
in 1980s. Key leader in global HTP, HTM, HR, and CE-IT. REFERENCES
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What is needed for CE/HTM profession? 10 Story” (50+ countries, 110 references), 2011, Unpublished
personal communication.
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Health Forum 1989;10:3–27.
IT) Standards, and Regulatory (HTR) framework
3. World Health Organization (WHO). Medical device defini-
• Global Drivers: eHealth, Patient Safety & Risk Man- tions. Geneva: Author; 2007. Available at: http://www.who.
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13 J Global Clinical Engineering Special Issue 1: 4-14; 2018